Less than a month


And for those of you who don’t know Japanese, Welcome!

In about 20 days I will be stepping off American soil for the first time in about ten years. It’s hard to believe that this is actually happening! (mostly because I’m lounging on the sofa in my Dad’s basement, in my pajamas…) Needless to say I’m both incredibly excited and terrified. I’m not just leaving home this time and going off to the Cities. My family isn’t a comfortable 3 hours away and constantly available by phone call. Nope. I’m crossing oceans (not to mention a whole bunch of timezones) where communication might be difficult, but the experience will certainly be worth it. 

At least for the next few weeks, I’ll be your average moving-back-in-with-the-folks college student. Free room and board, AND food in the fridge? Sign me up for life, right? But other than being a leech on my dad for a while, I’ll have a lot of time to catch up with my Duluth friends and family. Reconnecting with the city I love with most will be a nice gift before skipping across the pond. 

In the meantime, I will keep you loosely updated on my rediscovery of Duluth as well as my packing process and departure from the United States. 

Stay tuned.